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Support for employment

Support for employment

Individualized follow-up to support for employment is offered to people living or at risk of experiencing personal difficulties or psychological distress that may influence their work.

These services include working together with various professionals such as local employment centers, youth employment centers, Emploi Québec, doctors, psychiatrists, clinics, social assistance, health network, housing and community resources, etc.


For whom?

  • For people aged 16 and over;
  • For people living or at risk of experiencing personal difficulties or psychological distress that may influence their work.



  • Experiencing apprehensions and having doubts after an absence from the labor market;
  • Need ways to manage stress and anxiety;
  • Experiencing relationship difficulties;
  • Need psychosocial support regarding the emotional, family, social, economic or cultural environment;
  • Need help to get to know yourself better;
  • Need psychosocial and socio-professional help for the person in order to develop strategies for a successful professional career.


Our services

  • Individualized and adapted supervision;
  • A follow-up based on welcoming people in all their dimensions of life and support in their journey;
  • A follow-up adapted to the situation of the people, their choices to take their approach alone or accompanied;
  • Help with managing symptoms related to mental health issues;
  • The process of exploring areas of employment;
  • Evaluating the obstacles to returning at work;
  • The possibility of making accommodations with the employer;
  • Information and exploration of interests, aptitudes, aspirations, values, skills and employability profile;
  • Information on programs and financial assistance available.


The experience of individualized workplace programs

Individualized workplace programs are a whole new way of supporting our members towards integration or a return to work. These platforms are available because of the wonderful collaboration of our community as well as the partnership with local employers.

Depending on the member’s interest, the skills required and he personal goals (e.g. work on perceptions, better management of anxiety, getting into action, etc.), we offer the opportunity to work with the designated partner for 8 weeks at the rate of 5 working hours per week. The employer partner is aware of the member’s goals and is committed to helping them achieve their objective, in partnership with the mental health recovery worker.

L’Éveil de Brome-Missisiquoi offers remuneration to participants to cover expenses that may be incurred by the work boards. That’s why we have a limit of individual work boards to offer per year.